Venice, the capital of Veneto, according to a latest census in 2004, has a population of more then 270,000. It is located in the north-east part of Italy on numerous small islands that belong to the Venetian Lagoon.
The "City of Bridges" stretches along the mouths of the Po and Piave rivers.
Out of the 270,000 inhabitants, about 62,000 live in the historic center or ciy of Venice.
About 176,000 live in the mainland or "Terraferma" behind the lagoon such cities like Mestre and Marguera: and the rest live on either one of the one-hundred islands throughout the lagoon.
Also known as a magnetic point for sweethearts, lovers, artists, and poets, Venice is a magic city, which stretches across numerous small islands. It is often refered to as the city of "gondole" as the city is surrounded by canals.
GONDOLAS are the most famous and romantic meansfor experiencing the city.
A gondola is the symbol of Venice that has made it recognisable all over the world. You can find renting fees for gondolas on the web site gondolavenezia.it.
Thanks to this causeway, you can park your motor vehicle at the entrance of the city, and from that point you can reach the historic center by foot or boat. Also, another type of boat that it's a symbol of Venice, it's the "vaporetti" or waterbuses or taxis. Just like any motor land-bus, these water buses also have lines that pick/drop-you off at different points of the city.
Among other symbols of the city, the manufacturing of glass in the Murano island, has made it one of the biggest producers of glass in Europe and the unique high-quality materials and crafsmanship they use are unmatchable.
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