Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Power Of Attraction Of Waterfalls Travel


In my previous post Devil's Throat in Iguazu Falls I began to tell you about the waterfalls on the river Iguazu in Argentina (and Brazil).

When I read about this trip of a friend of my husband, I thought, the humans surely are attracted by great water and falling water. Turn back to read about my trip to the Cascades of Emerald Valley I described in a serie of posts a year ago. You can see the long and breathtaking bridges that connect different levels and places where you can enjoy the entire complex. A guide told us these places are full of tourists all summer. They come there to stay days and days in the "plates" of water under every waterfall.

Now, I see similar constructions on the photos here. Imagine, they have to be longer and more numerous as those of that little waterfalls in Caucasus (but not so romantic sure). I did not understand if it's possible to swimm under Iguazu falls too. Well, they are so large and high... Probably not. It would be dangerous, I think.

In any case you see there are crowds of tourists.
Who knows, maybe humans, like elefants, have acquatic ancestors too...



Friday, May 28, 2010

the second Machu Picchu is Enjoy Travel

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Good day fellow travelers – It has been a while since we met and I thought I’d write something up on a recent return trip my wife Karin and I undertook to Kuelap, and how traveling to these amazing Northern ruins has become a lot easier over the past ten years.

My first trip to Kuelap was a ten years ago and was none to easy, but if you’ve spent some time traveling you’ll agree that on some occasions, the harder a place is to get to - the more worthwhile it is once you get there.

The beauty of Kuelap far outweighed the hardships of getting there, and so it was with very little hesitation and a lot of excitement that Karin and I set off once more to return to Peru’s secret ruins. Ten years ago I was fascinated by the enchanting ruins of Kuelap – described by many as a second Machu Picchu – and ever since then I have been eagerly trying to getting myself back there. Well, I was in Peru recently with Karin, and with some spare time on our hands we set off once more for what would be an inspiring trip up north.

Surprisingly few tourists make it to Chachapoyas which I find remarkable; not only is it close to the ruins of Kuelap and a number of other attractions in the area, but over the years it has become increasingly more accessible to reach. It’s a laidback town, one of the most scenic in Peru, and perhaps one of my favorites. Outside the hotel a local kid proudly tells me that Chachapoyas means ‘Misty Mountain’ and that Chachapoyans are all ‘Cloud Warriors’. And who am I to disagree? - Clouds float through the town at eye level, and while the townsfolk seem too friendly and laidback to ever be warriors – they are said to be descendants of the Chacha culture that built Kuelap and warred with the Incas.

Nowadays private tours run daily to Kuelap from Chachapoyas leaving at about 8am and returning at about 4 or 5pm the same day. This doesn’t mean there are hordes of tourists visiting – on the contrary there are very few indeed. What it does mean is that one doesn’t have to spend 3 days waiting to get to the ruins as I had to ten years ago.
Even though Kuelap is only 27km from Chachapoyas (as the crow flies) – the drive there today can take up to three hours. It’s a rough drive it must be said that it scarcely compares to the hardships I went through in getting there the last time. On my first trip I was assigned to the rattling back seat of a collectivo (a minivan) with a couple of chickens and a collection of rusty farming implements for no less than seven hours. This time around I got to enjoy the stunning views over the canyons and ravines on the way there from a comfortable car seat, and we even stopped in one of the local villages to enjoy a fantastic Chacha lunch on the way back.

Ten years ago I finally arrived in Kuelap after taking a 14 hour bus ride to Chiclayo, an 11 hour bus ride to Chachapoyas, a hellish 7 hour ride in the back of a collectivo, and a half an hour steep hike. Minutes before I set my eyes on Kuelap I wondered whether it would all be worth

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Phuket Views at Night

Phuket at Night 1

Phuket at Night 2

Phuket at Night 3

Pictures Phuket Views at Night

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Exotic Phuket Beach

Phuket beach (1)

Phuket beach (2)

Phuket beach (3)

Pictures The Exotic Phuket Beach

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Kingdom Of Jogjakarta-Indonesia Travel

Tamansari Swiming Pool


Merapi Mountain

The Kingdom Of Jogjakarta

Yogyakarta (some people call it Jogja, Jogjakarta, or Yogya) is a city with outstanding historical and cultural heritage. Yogyakarta was the centre of the Mataram Dynasty (1575-1640), and until now the kraton (the sultan's palace) exists in its real functions. Also, Yogyakarta has numerous thousand-year-old temples as inheritances of the great ancient kingdoms, such as Borobudur temple established in the ninth century by the dynasty of Syailendra.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Colosseum of Rome travel

The Colosseum of Rome 1

The Colosseum of Rome 2

The Colosseum is probably the most impressive building of the Roman empire. Originally known as the Flavian Amphitheater, it was the largest building of the era.
The monumental structure has fallen into ruins, but even today it is an imposing and beautiful sight.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Matilde Talks about the Inca Trail- travel

Matilde talks about the Inca Trail

As ancient as the mysterious ruins that lay at its end, the Inca Trail was originally created as a passage for the high priests and Inca royalty between Cusco and Machu Picchu. I suppose I was a little apprehensive and yes – slightly intrepid – upon arriving at the start of the Inca Trail for the first time. The flashy backpacks, outfits, experienced guides, and the seemingly endless mountain path that stretched out before me, all made me wonder whether I’d been foolish to think I’d be able to finish the trail. It was however exciting; and with low cloud cover and something electric in the air, we set off for what would be a four day trek to the lost citadel of Machu Picchu.

The trail begins harmlessly enough, and with high spirits you pass along the shores of the mighty Urubamba River before the rough Andean landscape slowly gives way to a progressively more jungle-like environment. Inca Ruins mark the way, and as the trail continues these ruins increase in frequency, size, and what I like to refer to as ‘jaw slackening wonder’. While a lot of bonding is done with the group both on the trail and in the campsites, I also found it to be a deeply spiritual experience where I was able to set my own pace and get in touch with myself.

It isn’t that easy either, but on the morning of the fourth day on the trail we rose early in order to arrive at Machu Picchu a little before sunrise. As an early morning bright-orange-sun rose above a misty Machu Picchu, tears quite literally filled my eyes. Neither words nor photographs will ever be able to capture the beauty of that site and the wonder of that moment. It is simply extraordinarily. And I had done it; the hard work, dirt and sweat were all worth it. I was on top of the world looking down on one of her more awesome sights. I knew then that not only was I able to complete the Inca trail, but that I would quite likely be there to complete it again soon.

Information on the Inca Trail

If you’re interested in doing the Inca trail then one should make reservations at least two months in advance as the Peruvian government only permits 500 people to head out on the trail daily. The best time to visit the area – and undertake the trail is between April and November as there is far less rain during this period. If however, you don’t mind a bit of rain and enjoy a little more solitude during your hike then you may prefer to undertake the trail outside of this period. For more information on the trail and other hikes in the area you can visit –

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bali Terasering, Land of Angels Travel

Night life in Bali starts late, which means around midnight. Many visitors wonder where crowds of expats suddenly come from around 1:00 in the morning – even when all of Kuta has been very quiet during the whole evening, the IN-places often become crowded after midnight.

There's a simple explanation: during the early evenings many of Bali's night owls either still work, visit friends at home, or simply sleep. Most of them visit pubs, bars, or discos only in the early morning hours. Therefore, if you plan a night out don't start your dinner too early. Between 9:00 p.m. and midnight there are not many places we can recommend.

Visitors looking for company don't need to worry. Wherever you go in Sanur and the Kuta area, there are many other single travellers with the same problem around – day and night. In Bali's discos you'll meet also many "kupu kupu malams" ("night butterflies" or working girls) and young boys who compete with the females and service all sexes. All taxi drivers know the more popular karaoke bars and massage parlours in Kuta and Denpasar, and the various "Houses of ill Repute" in Sanur's narrow back lanes.

As reported in the BALI travel FORUM: "Prostitution is illegal in Bali. However, like in many countries, everyone turns a blind eye. Many girls can be found in nightclubs and bars in most areas. They look usually just like the girl next door, albeit with a bit more make up on, and they usually dress to please the eye. For the most part, they are gentle, easy to be with, and a lot of fun if you want to dance, drink and have a little fun with. Most will be yours for the whole night for about 300,000 Rupiah although prices range from 100,000 Rupiah to 1,000,000 Rupiah and more – depending on the season, the time of night, the situation and the quality of service".

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Amazing Koh Samui Travel

The Amazing Koh Samui Travel

The Amazing Koh Samui Travel
The Amazing Koh Samui Travel
The Amazing Koh Samui

The island was probably first inhabited about 15 centuries ago, settled by fishermen from the Malay Peninsula[1] and Southern China. It appears on Chinese maps dating back to 1687, under the name Pulo Cornam. The name Samui is mysterious in itself. Perhaps it is an extension of the name of one of the native trees, mui, or it is a corruption of the Chinese word Saboey, meaning "safe haven". Koh is the Thai word for "island."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Old Kuta Beach Travel

The Old Kuta Beach Travel
The Old Kuta Beach Travel
Is Beauty Beach Travel

The Holiday Travel Guide is cool

Travel is fast becoming one of the most popular pastimes in the UK with millions of people travelling to new and exciting destinations every year. We have put together the ultimate travel guide for you and your friends and how you can get the best deals possible when it comes to cheap travel, discount holidays, cheap travel insurance, discount air fares, cheap tickets and lots more.

Most of the tourists head towards Europe. The reason is Europe as a whole has an assembly of rich history, culture and architectural marvels. One of the nations that is most visited by tourists is Italy. This is closely followed by UK and France. Italy is famous for its castles and forts. Venice is visited for its Gondolas. There are wonderful beaches and the climate is pleasant. France is the next destination which has many churches and museums. The French are lively and hospitable at heart. When you are in Europe, you can actually feel the magical charm of the past eras. The fairy tales and sound of music uncurl before you. Austria is more beautiful than Switzerland. It houses one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Each and every country in European continent has tale of its own to narrate to the visitors. These are awe- inspiring and mesmerizing and unforgettable moments in one’s life.

North America is huge continent. They have pleasant climate and a wide collection of modern architectural marvel to offer. Sunny beaches and friendly people inspire the tourists. Places that are most often visited by tourist include Hawaii, Las Vegas, Florida, Georgia, California, and New York, Texas and so on.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Enjoy The Amazing Travel to Umbria, Italy

enjoying lazuardi in Umbria, Italy

great sightseeing inside the pool in Umbria

get your satisfactions of traveling in Umbria

Italy Travel and Tourism :
The Amazing Sky and The Exotic Earth Unite in Umbria

as we told you in the post before that Umbria is the small region in italy, but it is very very exotic and interesting as the travel destination. you will get more satisfactions by touring around Umbria. you can look at the pictures, those are another exoticism of Umbria. you can enjoy it as your travel destination, even you will get more and more by going there directly.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Brief history of Italy Travel

Brief history of Italy Travel

Italy is a long and narrow peninsula in the south of Europe, surrounded on three sides by sea, with the ancient city of Rome near its center. From about 44 BC until 450 AD the Roman Empire dominated Western Europe and North Africa. The advanced Roman armies conquored and passed its culture and civilization to the simpler tribes of Europe. After the fall of the empire, the Lombards, a Germanic tribe, invaded the peninsula and established a kingdom with its base in the north. To this day, many Northern Italians have Germanic features, different than their fellow countrymen in the south.

In the Middle Ages Spain dominated much of the Italian peninsula. Then control of much of the peninsula was taken by the Hapsburgs of Austria until 1859.

Italy became a unified country only on March 17, 1861. Before this time the Italian peninsula was dominated by various kingdoms. For example, the southern peninsula was called the Kingdom of Two Sicilies until it was conquored by the Kingdom of Sardinia and the entire Italian Peninsula unified into the Kingdom of Italy, with the capital city Turin. Later the capital was moved to Florence and finally to Rome.

After World War I and the collapse of Austria, Italy was allowed to expand its borders north and take control of South Tyrol, a German speaking area. This area is still mostly German speaking and still part of Italy today.

From 1923-1943 Mussolini ruled Italy as Prime Minister and dictator. He led Italy into World War II in alliance with Hitler. After being invaded by the allies, Italy surrendered. In 1946 the last Italian Monarch went into exile and Italy officially became a republic.

World-War II left the country very poor. Italians emigrated in large numbers to the the US and Northern Europe. Italy was a large beneficiary of the Marshall Plan, a US funded plan to rebuild post-war Europe. The money helped Italy to have an economic rebirth, though some parts developed differently than others. The north of Italy is the industrial driver with the south being strong in agriculture. These days, Italy is a financial powerhouse in Europe with the fourth largest economy, although the average wealth per person (per capita GDP) is less than that of UK, France and Germany.

Source by :

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Footprint Peru Hand Book Travell

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Footprint Peru Handbook is original in its kind as it focuses on information and not storytelling.

It has more up-to-date info on the things you actually need in day-to-day travel, most of it presented in a factual way rather than using endless pages of interesting but not-really-necessary info.

From a tour operator point of view, I need to know as many facts as possible in order to prepare, quote and carry out the tours we offer to our public. The Handbook is a great source of information in this area, as I don't have to read around the stories, but get the facts presented in a direct way. Due to the inclusion of much better maps and a very serious work at updating the info accurately, the latest edition is a big improvement, and one of best single guides on Peru currently available.

If you decide to visit the awesome Manu Reserve in the Amazon Jungle, fly over the mysterious Nazca lines, or If you hike the Inca Trail on your way to Machu Picchu, this guide is a must as you'll find all the data you need.

As a matter of fact, if you decide you're going tojust Cusco, I'd advice to get this guide instead of a Cusco-only one. You'll find all you need in Footprint Peru Handbook for sure.


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