Africa Travel Guides:
Enjoying The Exoticism of The Historic City, Agadez
Hi, guys! after giving you a lot of information about getting travel in many islands of Bahamas islands. Now, we are trying to give you some tour references to Africa. the first exciting destinations of traveling in Africa is Niger. Niger is one of the exotic travel destinations in Africa. And the most exciting place in Niger is Agadez.
Agadez is the exotic city that was be founded in the 11th century. it is a historic city in Aïr region of Niger. In the past time, Agadez city was an important stop for caravans crossover the Saharan Desert for centuries. Many caravans and kafilahs stopped in this city for taking a rest while trading transactions.
Agadez was held by the Mali empire during part of the 14th century, captured by the Songhai empire in 1515, and dominated by Bornu in the 17th century. It remained a trade center until the late 19th century. During much of this time it was a center of Islamic learning and the seat of several sultanates before its capture by the French in 1900.
Gadez city is a center of Tuareg culture and likewise two Tuareg rebellions in recent years: 1990-1995 & 2007-present. The Tuareg people are the example Canaanites from the Bible. The meaning of Canaan is 'land of the purple people.' This unusual moniker is in reference to the bluish-purple vegetable dye the Tuareg use to color their clothing that afterward rubs soured onto their skin.
The Tuareg are renowned for their metal and leather workings.The region around Agadez is known for its impressive desert/mountain scenery. It is also the center of one of the largest uranium mining regions on Earth.
article source: http://wikitravel.org/en/Agadez
Agadez was held by the Mali empire during part of the 14th century, captured by the Songhai empire in 1515, and dominated by Bornu in the 17th century. It remained a trade center until the late 19th century. During much of this time it was a center of Islamic learning and the seat of several sultanates before its capture by the French in 1900.
Gadez city is a center of Tuareg culture and likewise two Tuareg rebellions in recent years: 1990-1995 & 2007-present. The Tuareg people are the example Canaanites from the Bible. The meaning of Canaan is 'land of the purple people.' This unusual moniker is in reference to the bluish-purple vegetable dye the Tuareg use to color their clothing that afterward rubs soured onto their skin.
The Tuareg are renowned for their metal and leather workings.The region around Agadez is known for its impressive desert/mountain scenery. It is also the center of one of the largest uranium mining regions on Earth.
article source: http://wikitravel.org/en/Agadez